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Feel Good No Matter What Age: Self-Care For Men

The topic of self-care isn’t new, but it is popular nowadays. For the most part, when you read or watch anything self-care related, it is aimed at women. Well, I’m here to tell you that self-care is not only for women; it’s also for men. 

Everyone deserves to be their best self, and a great way to get to that place is by practicing self-care. Self-care is simply the act of taking time to focus on yourself! This can be done at any time of the day and is a great way to take care of your mental health. Release your stress, do the things you love that don’t require so much from you, and practice self-care.  

Self-Care Tips For Men

Your body, mind, spirit, social needs, and intellect all need to be taken care of at the same time, if possible. Here are some of the ways you can tend to each one and practice self-care to the fullest. 

Exercise/Get Up & Move

This may not be the first thing you think of doing when it comes to self-care, but it does help. Your body truly benefits from movement, and remember that exercise doesn’t have to be intense. Walking in the park can help you reach your self-care goals. 

Spend time with your friends and loved ones

You’ll be surprised how relaxing spending time with the people closest to you can be. Take time to go out with them or plan something indoors and enjoy their company. 


Journaling allows you to be alone with your thoughts and can be very releasing. Find a new journal and write an entry every day or at the end of every week.  

Spend time alone

Alone time is great. Sometimes you need to be away from all the busyness that happens on a daily basis. Take time to do something you love on your own. 

Do what you need to do to relax

It’s important to remember that the reason behind self-care is to relax! So, find something that you like to do to relax. Whether that is watching a show, reading a book, playing music, organizing, or building something. Take your mind off the tasks you have time to complete and relax.  

Which Annual Health Screening Do You Need?

Self-care for men also looks like taking care of your health. It’s important that you visit the doctor at least once a year and get all your annual screenings done. Also, visit the dentist every 6 months for a dental cleaning and anything else you may need done.   

Here’s a list of screenings that you may need to get done.   

Stay Feeling Good No Matter What Age!

You don’t need to be young to feel young. Self-care can have you feeling good no matter what age. Take time to practice these self-care tips and take your health more seriously. Practice good self-care for men! 

Tolulope Ayoola

Tolulope Ayoola

Tolulope Ayoola is the creative marketing content writer at MyCHN. She graduated from the University of Houston-Downtown with a degree in Technical Communications. Her goal and mission is to make healthcare patient content more relatable and interesting to interact with. She combines her creative eye with her technical communication skills to create content for patients. Tolu's past work includes creating blogs, press releases, and social media content for different sectors. She enjoys spending time with her family, writing, and listening to music & podcasts.

* This blog provides general information and discussions about health-related topics. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult your healthcare provider and seek professional medical treatment. Some of the information and content in this blog has linked materials. The links should and are not intended to be construed as medical advice and should not be supplemented as medical advice. If you think you may have a medical emergency, locate emergency services or dial 911.

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